Automatic Dark/Light theme?

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Upon installing v1.7.0.svn I noticed that it automatically matches the Dark/Light theme setting of the OS, Windows 11 in my case.
I was not able to find the setting to overrule this Dark/Light theming.
Where can I find this?




No sé si a alguien más le pasa, pero la sombra de la hoja en el borrador no ayuda, puede confundir mientras uno trabaja, espero que a muchos no les guste y el grupo de desarrolladores acepten la humilde sugerencia de eliminarla.

I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but the shadow of the sheet in the draft doesn't help, it can be confusing while you're working. I hope many people don't like it and the developer group accepts my humble suggestion to remove it.


Can you please show a screenshot of the shadow that you want to be removed?

My Spanish is not good enough, and this time the automatic translation does not seem to be good enough...


The page shadow can be turned off. Close any open documents and in preferences, about midway down is an option titled "Display" click to select.

In the window that opens select the  "Pages" tab, second from the last in the list is a box to select the page shadow. Uncheck to turn off. :)
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist