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¿Cuáles son los temas de la interfaz de usuario, que deberìan observarse?

¿Alguien tiene problemas con linux mint y scribus 1.7?
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Modos oscuro no se carga en linux mint para scribus 1.7
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Mis disculpas, soy nuevo y no sé muy bien como va esto. Primero agradecimiento a los desarrolladores de scribus. Tengo una duda, instalè la versiòn 1.7 en windows 10, la interfaz de usuario cargaba el modo oscuro, pero el programa corria de manera menos fluida de lo normal. Instalè el prgrama en linux mint tanto la versiòn appimage y la .flatpak. Para ninguna de las dos se carga el tema oscuro, para la versión appimage, parace dos temas windows y fusion. Para los iconos solo scribus1.7. En la versiòn flatpak, viene el tema breeze, pero ni rastros de un tema oscuro o alguna forma de modificar la interfaz. Mi duda es si es un tema de versión de prueba o es un conflicto con mi configuraciòn de linux mint. NO sè si a otros le ha pasado, disculpen la pregunta de novato. Saludos. 

My apologies, I'm new and don't quite know how this works. First, thanks to the Scribus developers. I have a question. I installed version 1.7 on Windows 10. The UI loaded in dark mode, but the program ran less smoothly than usual. I installed the program on Linux Mint, both the appimage and the . flatpak versions. The dark theme doesn't load for either. For the appimage version, it seems like two themes: Windows and Fusion. For the icons, only Scribus 1.7. The flatpak version includes the Breeze theme, but there's no sign of a dark theme or any way to modify the interface. My question is whether it's a trial version issue or a conflict with my Linux Mint configuration. I don't know if this has happened to others. Sorry for the newbie question. Regards.


1.7 is the first Scribus version with a serious try to support dark themes.

the upcoming 1.7.1 should then work correctly.

i would suggest you to wait for that release (or trying the current development state by compiling the current source code; or taking the development flatpak created by martin; or waiting for the dev appimages to be created available again) before reporting bugs with the dark theme.

this having been said, i really don't see why, using a dark theme can make Scribus to run less smoothly...


It is an issue with the flatpack. The support isnt there for a dark theme.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist