Scribus 1.7.0 Released

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We released Scribus 1.7.0 today, 25/1/25.

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Great! So 1.7 is the new stable version? It is mentioned below that 1.7 is the new "unstable version". Also here

Unfortunately, I did not find the mentioned portable verion for 1.7 yet.


No, the release notes somehow say it: it's the first release in the new development series.

Let's just hope that the serie will not be too long and that we will soon have a new and shiny Scribus everywhere!

p.s.: of course, even development versions are mostly very usable... sometimes, one has to take care, not to touch specific features, but -- all in all -- they are rather pleasant to use!


Finding bugs.
The object horizontal/vertical alignment buttons are mislabeled/swapped.  Depend on how you want to look at it.  The terminology used is confusing and inconsistent  with the wording for aligning text.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


Finding bugs.

Scribus versions 1.7.0 and 1.7.1svn on Windows crash when I try to edit an inline item.

If I create a new one-page Scribus file it works and does not crash. It creates the new inline item and I can edit and update it... But with files with more objects it collapses when editing.

It happens to me in a 55 page file with TOC, bookmarks, PDF Annotations with links between pages and 1 inline item. I attach the file: ''.

New inline items can be created and you can insert them in various places without any problem. But I am not able to edit them afterwards. When Scribus opens the edit mode of the inline item, it crashes and closes.

Does anyone know if this is due to a bug in my settings, or is it a bug in Scribus?

Sorry if this is not the place to bring this up. I don't know how to submit a bug or issues.


I can confirm that the bug, happens when editing a new inline item in your file.

Would you mind to open a ticket in ?

I guess that you would also need hints on how to tweak your .sla so that the bug does not happen anymore with this specific files...


I have tried to find out if it is some incompatibility of inline elements with other objects, but I have not identified any improvement when removing other objects such as annotations, links, images or markers.

By chance, I have discovered that the problem is solved if I make one of the layers 'not visible' (turn off the eye). While one of the layers is 'not visible' on the display, Scribus does allow editing and updating the inline element I have in my file.

But it only works if I disable one of the layers in particular: the layer where I have 90% of the texts in linked frames ('Text' layer). I have tried turning off the visibility of other layers, but the issue persists and Scribus 1.7 crashes when I try to edit an inline element and closes.

I have opened the ticket ''


thanks for the ticket!

nice that you could find a workaround.
i hope that it will be possible to fix the bug.
the information is now available and it can easily be reproduced!