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Features / Re: Suggestion : save to an ol...
Last post by BN_Dev - October 12, 2024, 08:27:28 PM
In fairness it's not a terrible idea/request, but implementing it would require someone with some time and a (lot of) attention to detail to track any changes to the file format.  You would have to work out backwards compatible changes, how to "safely" lose properties and attributes when downgrading, and much more.

QuarkXPress has a separate version update tool.  Perhaps Nairo you could consider making something similar if this is an issue for you?

I know in QXP there's a trick if you hold down certain keyboard keys when opening an older file it triggers some different actions and reflows; perhaps we could have something similar with Scribus to side-step the file version check and hope for the best, but that could cause crashes and YMMV.
Beginner Talk / Re: Commencer la numérotation ...
Last post by BN_Dev - October 12, 2024, 08:18:13 PM
File -> Document Setup -> Sections -> Add.
Create a new section starting at page 2.

Fichier -> Configuration du document -> Sectionné -> Ajouter.
Créez une nouvelle section à partir de la page 2.