Editing Newsletter Header

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Hi All,

I'm new to Scribus and I used a template on Scribus 1.4.2, everything is looking good but I can't edit the Newsletter Header at the foot of a page. How can you edit it? I've clicking on it but it doesn't allow me to edit it. It the grey bit at the bottom as if its an a different layer. Can anyone help me edit this?

Thanks in advance

[attachment deleted by admin]


Right click on what you are trying to edit and check lock status. Also check if it's on a different layer.


Tried all that before, its a template of a newsletter in the software, the only layer is the templatelayer. Just really puzzled why it can't be clicked on and edited. :( I've also checked to see if the layer was lock but it doesn't make any difference


Where is that template from? Perhaps you could link us to it or attach it to your next posting?
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


hi zab

try: 'edit' → 'master pages' – should work!
