Database connectivity

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Hello ALL,

As a novice user, I wonder how I can connect a database (MySQL, Oracle, MS-SQL) to my book, read from DB fields and insert into rendered frames, and write back to database?

I appreciate any help or direction greatly,


I do not think that is working, nor is it desired to have a desktop program anything to do with data dynamism.

A desktop program makes per definition files to be afterwards printed either on paper or made readable via a monitor.

As far as I know, there are no ways to change something once printed (except destroying it).

If you need this interaction, then you must use HTML or Office.

I think this is good so. Or yould you like as an author if anybody could dome and change your creative work? Do you think, Hemingway would have liked it, when just any half-witted computeruser could have manipulated his wonderful prose?
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


I would also be interested in how to acheive a database connection. This was one of the excellent features of Corel Ventura which has now gone out of development.

Quote from: Arran on June 05, 2013, 10:42:59 AM

I think this is good so. Or yould you like as an author if anybody could dome and change your creative work? Do you think, Hemingway would have liked it, when just any half-witted computeruser could have manipulated his wonderful prose?

I would suggest that Arran did a Google search on Variable data printing



Unfortunately it seems I have miscommunicated!
I want to connect (from Scribus book) to a database, insert data into its "rendered frames", finalize my book, save (some / or all) data from it to database, and then publish it.

The notion of "changes after printing" does not apply to my question!

I appreciate Any help with dynamic / variable data insertion into a rendered frame.