Trouble with absolutely first step with Scribus

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I downloaded Scribus yesterday, found the tutorial and started reading it this morning.
The very first step in the tutorial (which apparently needs updating) caused Scribus to crash. First step was to select "Scribus X11" in Edit>Colors. There is no "Edit>Colors". There IS an "Edit>Colors and Fills..." but in the resulting dialog there is no "Scribus X11" option to select. In fact, I can't select anything, nor can I scroll the list, and it is at that point that Scribus crashed.
The instructions say to edit this setting without having a document open. The setting cannot be changed with or without a document being open.
Can I expect this pattern to continue? I wrote a 400+ page book using LibreOffice a couple of years ago but thought Scribus might be better/more versatile. Is it really this buggy? Or did I just get lucky today?


I first tried the stable version but my Mac would not run it. It reported that Scribus "needed to be updated".


I have come to the conclusion after reading internet posts concerning Scribus that it is not yet ready for prime time and having been in development for 20(?) years now, most likely never will be. It still can't even do footnotes? And the very first instructional step in the documentation, written by the developers, is wrong, and causes a crash?!!! AND, the current stable version cannot run on the current Mac OS, at all?! I had to fight all the way with LibreOffice to write my last book, but it did at least get the job done.
I wish the Scribus developers well, but this seems to be a dead issue.
Thanks for trying to help.


Scribus is not optimal for text heavy books, Scribus is better suited for products like magazines where you lay out each page on its own. There are a lot of people successfully using Scribus for production.

And, after all, Scribus is free. In all aspects. You are free to not use it.


In 1.5.7 I opened Edit>Colors and Fill, found X11 in the drop down and selected it to update the available colors with no crash.  I am using Windows 10.  Photo Attached.

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Scribus 1.6.0 Stable
Windows 11