Macbook running Big Sur with M1

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Hello, I started using Scribus last year on a Windows 10 laptop and I would like to continue to use it but with a new laptop. I am looking at the recent Macbook Air which runs the new Apple OS Big Sur and also has the new Apple M1 processor. Before buying this device I just need to know if I will be able to run Scribus on it. Scribus is actually the main thing I want to use it for. I've tried Googling and looking on this forum but I can't find a clear answer. Any help appreciated. Thanks!


I have Scribus 1.5.6 running on Big Sur (intel processor).

While I don't have an apple device with an M1 processor, I have seen Scribus 1.5.6 run on it.

Its my understanding that if the app (Scribus) is going to run on Big Sur (intel), then it will continue to run on Big Sur (M1 processors)...automatically under rosetta 2.


Hey thank you! If you've seen it run on an Apple with the M1 and Big Sur then that answers my question. As I said, I mainly want to use it for Scribus so I don't want to spend a thousand and then find I can't.


Sorry, just a follow up question. I've just noticed that the version you have used is 1.5.6. When I was using Scribus I stuck with the stable version (1.4.x) because I'm new to it and I'm not techy. If I were to continue with the 1.4.x version am I likely to encounter a problem? And the flipside to that, if I were to use 1.5.6 would it still be workable/user friendly for a non-techy newbie? Many thanks.


hi temporal

you will have to change to 1.5.x as big sur doesn't support 32bit apps any more. but 1.5.6 isn't harder to use as 1.4.8.




I've just downloaded Scribus to my Mac and when I try to run it I get this message: - 'Scribus' can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information. -

Any help with this would be appreciated.


With Catalina you had to go to -> Applications, right click Scribus and then select »Open«. You only had to do this once. I don't know if this workaround is valid for Big Sur as well.


That worked toyotadesigner. Thank you! I was still confused because there's no right click on this keyboard. Worked it out now though.


On my macbook, pushing down with two fingers on the trackpad works the same as right click with a mouse.




Thanks, there's some really helpful replies here. I started playing with Scribus on my Mac (as specified above) and I'm finding that a lot of the menu options (e.g. justify, save and exit text box) appear very, very dark, so that I can only see what they are by hovering the cursor over them. I had a look in the settings but I couldn't work out what's wrong. I'm still new to using the Mac so I'm a bit of a mess at the moment but I was wondering if anyone recognised this problem? Many thanks.


Maybe you are running macOS in dark mode?

Colors on my »normal mode« mac are great:

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Guess what? The mode was set to Auto so when I looked at Scribus the other night it had gone to Dark mode. Thanks for being so patient with some real newbie questions!


No sure if this will work on a mac.But check File/Preferences/User Interface. there are options for themes and icon sets. You may be able to improve the appearance further.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist
