How to export double sided page into one jpg/png?

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Hello, I've been working on a magazine layout project on a double-sided page, when I export it to images the results are single pages. How can I fix this?

Thank you



Hi Jace, first I need to know if they will be reader spreads (pages 1 & 2 together, usually for screen viewing) or imposed (4 & 1, if page four is the last page, usually for final printing) booklet spreads. You cannot export to either in Scribus, but you could manually layout the pages depending on which you require.  Please let me know which and what OS and Scribus version you are using.




Hi mnawij, the final result will be reader spreads, and I'm using Scribus 1.4.8 on Win 10


Hi Jace,

You create one single page for each 2 pages in the spread. Say I have 2 Letter 8.5"x11" pages, I would then create a 11"x17" page and put the two pages together side by side on that single page, margins and rules come in very handy in doing this type of imposition layout. Also grouping the entire pages helps to copy and paste them in position. I hope this makes sense, if not I can put together a sample later today or tomorrow.


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