Aligning PDF Text Field entry with baseline grid

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Christer Edvardsson

I am new to Scribus (but have started to very much enjoy the software and the community so want to learn more).

I use Scribus 1.5.4 working through Windows 10 Business.

I am making a fillable PDF form. When printing, I want lines running below the text. I previously accomplished this by making a new PDF Text Field for every row. But this is not optimal as entry easily gets clunky when dealing with larger amounts of text, or the text has to be edited.

Instead, I've opted for making a large field that covers the entire area I want to use on the page. My problem is I cannot seem to get my text to align with the lines.

I though aligning the grid to the baseline and setting Text Properties to Align to Baseline Grid would help but it didn't. Have not been able to find a solution to this problem using the (otherwise mostly fantastic) Scirbus turtorials

Attached an image of a filled in form I thing illustrates the problem.


By the sounds of it, you need to adjust the line spacing to suit your needs.

See image below.

[attachment deleted by admin]


You might have to play with it to see what works best, but does seem to do the job.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Christer Edvardsson

Thx for the response! I was initially confused (as changing the line spacing was the first solution I tried), but now I see that both of you have read my question as changing the line spacing of Text Frame, correct? I want to find a way to change the way text is entered into a PDF Text Field to align with the baseline grid (or otherwise find a way to align it to any kind of Lines. Sorry if my original post wasn't clear on this.

Now I accomplish this by creating a separate PDF Text Field for each individual line, which is not optimal for adding large bodies of text (example image blow).

Also, can we all agree that it would be lovely to have a window showing the compiled result of a design before exporting? Missing my TeXmaker (LaTeX editor) sometimes when working with Scribus. :-)