Importing a .eps or .ps file exported from indesign

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Simon Thompson

Hi, I am attempting to move over to Scribus. I have been using Adobe Indesign (Lightly) and I believe you can export to .eps/ps if you setup correctly. I have installed Scribus, Ghostscript and a generic PS driver based on the printer I have. I am using a Mac Book Pro running 10.14. I go to print and select the generic PS driver and get a .ps file. I go to open this file in Scribus and gain an error. Do I Need to install a specific driver from adobe? If so can a link be provided as I have only found PPD files for PowerPC.. I have intel.

Thanks for your help


the ps/eps file from ID won't be really editable in scribus...
... but, indeed, it should work...

you should not need any driver, but you have to make sure that scribus does find GS by having a look at "preferences > external tools": the command in "Name of Executable" should run when you open a terminal and paste it in there.