Please help me understand Styles

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I have created two paragraph styles:
* Header: Verdana 16pt Bold
* Normal paragraph text: Verdana Regular 15pt

My dafault text is Verdana Regular 15pt

When I open Story Editor and type header and select Header from dropdown, is does not change to Bold, 16pt. It only changes when I change it on the left side in Story Editor.

Please advise what I am doing wrong.


[attachment deleted by admin]


1. don't use the story editor for "normal" work
2. double click on the text frame to type text (or type "e" while the frame is selected to enter edit mode, if you have a hard time double clicking)
3. open the properties palette from the "windows"  and keep it open on the right side of your document (and learn to use F2 open and close it)
4. discover all the goodness the properties palette offers you
5. rest



Quote from: a.l.e on March 09, 2018, 08:48:42 AM
1. don't use the story editor for "normal" work
2. double click on the text frame to type text (or type "e" while the frame is selected to enter edit mode, if you have a hard time double clicking)
3. open the properties palette from the "windows"  and keep it open on the right side of your document (and learn to use F2 open and close it)
4. discover all the goodness the properties palette offers you
5. rest
Thank you very much.
I got it right. Thank you also for the tip not to use SE when doing formatting. IT works like a charm.


I agree with all that a.l.e had to say except I would offer slightly different advice on point 3.
Instead of "learn to use F2 open and close [the Properties Palette]", I would advise keeping the PP open at all times and just learning to use F2 to open it if it has disappeared.

And, to add a bit more advice, I would recommend using Character styles and basing Paragraph styles on the Character styles (via the "Based On" setting). That way you have more control over what happens if you decide to change things.


well, garry,  it depends on the size of your monitor.

i mostly have one of the properties palette open (but only one at a time)... but sometimes hide bot to access things that are otherwise below them.

on 1.5.3 you will probably have to learn about F2 (the "old" properties palettte) and F3 (the text palette), dock both to the right of your monitor and use the keyboard shortcut to display the one you currently need.
except if you have a huge display... but, even then, i'm not sure i would want to have both at the same time... the mouse will have to travel very far, to access the palettes...


You're right, I wasn't thinking about people with limited screen space so that's a good point.

Of course people should be able to close the PP if they need/want to, what I was trying to emphasise is that they don't have to if they don't need/want to.

Quite a few people will understand the concept of a File Properties dialog, where that Properties dialog allows the user to manipulate the settings for a particular file. If someone misunderstands how the Scribus Properties Palette works, there could be a chance that they think it works in the same way and keep closing the PP - for the current object - to then work on a different object. That's the situation I was trying to avoid.

As for the recent UI changes, I'll wait until 1.6 arrives before wondering how my workflow will change.


Quote from: a.l.e on March 09, 2018, 05:09:28 PM
except if you have a huge display... but, even then, i'm not sure i would want to have both at the same time... the mouse will have to travel very far, to access the palettes...
As a double-screen user, I always have the document/working area on one screen, and most of the other palettes opened on the other.


I don't think anyone has explained the issue:

The story editor does not show text in the actual format, but a font that is specific to the story editor.

So the story editor is good for editing text, but not good for seeing the result.