Scribus is automatically creating new paragraph styles for every page of my book

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Is Scribus supposed to do this? (See attached screen shot). It doesn't seem like it should. It's also running quite slowly and I'm only 65 pages into typesetting a 650-page book.

If anyone can point me to any recommended tutorials for typesetting books I'd very much appreciate it! I have watched the series on YouTube by Michael Henderson, which were quite helpful. But I'm doing some things differently and getting a bit lost.

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I guess these styles are automatically created during text import, so the question is: How do you import your text? And from what format?


Hi, Nermander. I am using 'Get Text' and bringing in LibreOffice files, chapter by chapter. I don't know why, but some of the text is out of whack when it comes in, although it's fine in the original documents. But once in Scribus, some of the line spacing jumps to different settings. So I select it all and then correct it.

Then I need to create the chapter heading each time, because—well, it's kind of a long explanation, but briefly, my book has gone from Pages to Vellum to LibreOffice to Scribus. It makes sense if I explain why, although it's not a path I'd do over again for my next book. Anyway, there are no chapter headings in the LibreOffice files, although my e-book in Vellum has them.


I worked it out. Pretty obvious, actually. Silly me. During the import there's a box that asks if you want to automatically 'Use document name as a prefix for paragraph styles'. It was checked by default and I left it that way. I unchecked it for my last chapter—et voila, no automatically-generated paragraph styles. Duh.