The right 1/3 of all pages is invisible in preview and print

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I completed my first page of a menu I've been working on today, and printed it out without issue.
I went on to do a type up a few more pages, printed and noticed the right side of all of my pages were cut off at a certain point.

I must have accidentally changed something. This is my first time using this program.
I searched and didn't see anything on the forum.

If anyone can help me figure out how to correct this, I'd really appreciate it!

[attachment deleted by admin]


My guess is that you accidentally changed that text frame to be 2 columns.


But it's that particular region of all pages in my document. If I move a text frame into the right side of a page, it gets cut off in preview/print. The only error I have on my document is that the single image I used is low dpi.


i guess that this is the time, when you should share that page of your sla...

you can create a copy of your file and remove the other pages, if you don't want to share the content of the full document...