Setting frame gradient

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Doing regular newsletters, I'm finding that Scribus (1.4.0.rc5) really is good.
  Part of my style is to use background images and have the image lighten under a text frame, with a gradient to more opaque outside the text frame.
  It's easy and quick in the (very) low cost Greenstreet publisher, that I've used since it's Timeworks under GEM UI days (see attached example).

In Scribus, I've found how to set frame transparency and also to set a gradient on the transparency in the Properties box, thanks to the forum here. But there's no box gradient on offer, nor are there any controls to change the gradient from linear. Any ideas?
  My current work-around is to create a png with the box-gradient to match, and then import it into Scribus. But if I change the text frame size too much, then I have to create another png to match.  Is there any way to add a type of gradient to the ones on offer, or should I make a feature request? It would seem to me that this is definitely a useful DTP feature.
  I can't see, at the moment, how to make a feature request, so advice on that would also be great.

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yes you can change the gradient from linear with the same button you used to change the gradient TO linear... there's a list of them...including free linear and free radial at the bottom


@ walksin2trees  Thanks for the pointer, going to the versions with "free" in them gives me a new button "move vector".  I can get closer, but only for a circular frame.  For a rectangular frame, there's no option to get a gradient on all sides.
  Plus, what's really required is a white to alpha gradient, which doesn't seem to be on offer either. Here are 2 pics: one is what I can get with Scribus so far, and the other is what I'm looking for (checkerboard indicates transparency, of course). I can do it with Greenstreet and in After Effects (I use the CS4 for video version, not the one with Indesign), but it would be great not to have to go out to something else and do it.

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oh ok  I see what you mean.  I'm used to the pro apps as well (Adobe and Corel)
Looks like another feature request is in order. 

I've been leaving a bunch of feature requests so I'll add this one too. what do you think?:

Feature suggestion : gradient improvements:
"shaped gradient" :  a centered gradient based on the shape of the polygon edges
Free gradients : make ALL gradients have free endpoints and remove redundant gradients: why have a separate tool?
"reverse gradient" button
ability to save custom gradients

already suggested gradient mesh


Hi WalksIn2Trees, looks like you've been busy.   

I think the feature request as you describe it sounds pretty good to me. I would just add, that Alpha be in the colour choice as well.