Unable to open file

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Currently using scribus (1.4.5) on debian. A file created cannot be opened now :-( Opened the file with vim and could not see any problems. The rotating cursor stays on. I can only quit by killing it from a terminal. I am attaching the file. If someone can point out how to repair it, it will be helpful.

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hi anmys

there is a strange text object (beginning on line 671 in the code) on the non existing page "-1" with the strange position value YPOS="3080304.5". this is almost one kilometer below the four real document pages – i don't know your screen size, but...
after deleting this object the file opens again. you have to check, where this text (A tete-a-tete with nutritionist Shiksha Mishra unravells popular myths about fitness.) is missing.


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Thanks for helping with that. I knew there must be something wrong, but did not know what to look for. The page size was A3, no idea why a kilometer bug thing came there :o