Using gradients

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I would like to use gradients to simulate wordarts, or fontworks, as suggested here,369.msg1723.html#msg1723

Can you help me?
For example, I think I could create two different boxes, the first one with my text and the second one with the colors, and I could use the first one as a transparent "mask" to see the colors below... but this is just an idea, and I am not able creating such a "mask".


ororo, you can put gradients in text quite simply.

The basic workflow is:
* Create the text at the size you want.
* Use menu "Item -> Convert to -> Outlines".
* Ungroup the characters.

Each chracter can be given its own gradient using the normal gradient tool, or you can select all of the characters and use menu "Item -> Combine Polygons" to create a combined shape which you can use the gradient tool on.

You can find more ideas:
* and here


Thank you very much!
I have followed your instructions, however how can I change the gradient now?
With a text, I have a "Text" menu item in the properties, and there I can choose some fancy coloring. After the "Combine polygons" I have no more such menu.

By the way,what is the difference between "Combine polygons" and "Group"? Thank you!


You're welcome.

Once you convert text to a polygon or an outline it becomes a shape rather than text.

Because of this you need to use the colour properties for shapes/frames rather than the text properties.

Go to the Colour tab of the Properties palette to see your options.

As for combining versus grouping, when you combine polygons or outlines you make them into one shape. When you group items you are just making them easier to select en masse but they stay as separate things.

If you group objects you can't, generally, change them while they are grouped. Think of a group as a temporary way of keeping stuff together for easy movement.
