Alignment of numbers in lists

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Hi, I'm a brand-new Scribus user, trying to put together a book of puzzles (crosswords, sudoku, etc.).  I'm trying to figure out how to format clue lists.  Here are the issues:

First, the clues are not sequential.  If you look at any crossword puzzle, you'll see what I mean; for an example, the puzzle I'm working on right now has clues numbered 1, 6, 10, 16... rather than 1, 2, 3, 4.... So any automatic ordered–list generator will not work.

Second, I want the clue numbers to be right-aligned, with the clues themselves left-aligned.  I had faked up something in my word processor using tables, but it was very hard to work with.  What can I do in Scribus?  I have found out how to add columns, but I need those right-aligned clue numbers to head the clues.

Thanks for any help that can be offered!  I'm not afraid to learn advanced features if necessary, although I'd rather keep the time spent on the learning curve down, since this is not directly productive time.


ginkgo100 you can send an attachment of this forum, it would give an olde like me an idea and maybe get some one to answer. No bigger that 4 meg, I think.



Here's a screenshot to give an idea of what I am trying to do.  Note that the numbers (with decimal points in this example) are right-aligned (yellow highlight), with the clues following the numbers left-aligned (blue highlight).  Also there is a heading over the list, which ideally would stretch over both the numbers and the clues.  I suppose this could be done with a separate text box, which would be workable.  I'd like to avoid, if possible, doing separate text boxes for the number and clue columns because I'm afraid it would start getting hard to work with, but that may be the best solution.

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hi ginkgo

in the 'properties' dialog (f2) you can define a tabulator for this.
under 'properties' → 'text' → 'columns & text distances' → 'tabulators' you place the tabulator at the desired place for the points and define it as 'period'.
now all your entries can be aligned at the period with the tab key...



Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to do, I just didn't know where to define tabs.  :)