Trouble wrapping text around image

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Sigh... yeah, it's me again. I tried wrapping text around an image using this tutorial:

and ran into two problems. First, the text right below the image is spaced funny. Second, when I tried to move the contour line it simply re-sized the image frame. Both issuse show up nicely in the following screen shot:


Quote from: 2handband on March 13, 2011, 02:36:15 AM
Sigh... yeah, it's me again. I tried wrapping text around an image using this tutorial:

and ran into two problems. First, the text right below the image is spaced funny. Second, when I tried to move the contour line it simply re-sized the image frame. Both issuse show up nicely in the following screen shot:

First issue: it looks like you need to change your text alignment - in your properties window under text. I don't really understand your second issue, not sure what you're trying to do or what you mean by contour line.


1. check if there is not breakline inserted at end of wrong justified line and/or move or stretch image vertically
2. are you sure you select "edit contour line"? contour line is draw in blue - I dont see in you screenshot that you are in contour line edit mode


That's because i took the screenshot after closing the edit menu... my fault. Here's a new one; you can see that i pulled the line to the left, but the text stayed where it was.

Meho R.

It is possible that you failed to change the contour line, but were changing shape of the image frame instead.

Take a look at the screenshot below: "Use Contour Line" is used for text wrapping for all figures, but, during shape editing in case 1 (top right), I haven't selected "Edit Contour Line" in editing dialog, so nothing actually happens (same as in your screenshot). The reason is simple: I actually changed shape of the image frame, not the contour line which remains the same. Notice the two gray lines: one is full and it shows shape of the frame, while the other is dashed and it shows contour line.
In case 2 (bottom right) "Edit Contour Line" was selected in editing dialog, so text get wrapped as expected.

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