ODD spreadsheet importation and text in EPS

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Dear Colleagues,
I am desperate now, >:( I have been looking everywhere for a possible solution but it's impossible to find a decent one.
Briefly I have to create some normal 3/4 rows spreadsheet on Libreoffice and Import them in Scribus as EPS.
Basically ALL THE TIMES when there's a "BLANKSPACE" between the words, Scribus import oddly the spreadsheet with terrible graphic result. I don't know what to do and I am due to deliver the work in few days and I still have tons of spreadsheet to import (it's a catalogue).
I am doing so:

Creating the spreadsheet
Formatting and writing what I have to do
Then copy the selection.
Move to drawing of Libre office
Select Paste Special and paste as GDI
from there i can check the selection is there and looking nicely, so
I proceed to Export...
Export as EPS, selection only, give a name
Then i go to Scribus, i use IMPORT as vectorial and ...you can see the ruler and the difference in the attachment.

What the hell am i doing wrong??? :o :o :o :o

I also tried fitting all the spaces as "blank space" under the Symbols tab/Special characters.
Sometimes it works, sometimes not. And I have no control so I have to re do the trick dozen of times before I got any acceptable result.

Please !!!

Whatever hint you can give me I will appreciate !


[attachment deleted by admin]


dear sir,

you could try to

- export from LO to PDF,
- open the PDF with inkscape,
- convert the text to paths,
- save as svg
- import the svg into scribus




As a quick work-around: Unless you absolutely have to import into Scribus as EPS you could export from LibreOffice as PNG with a good resolution (e.g. 300dpi) instead. As long as your export resolution is as good as your print resolution then the average reader won't see much of a difference.


Thanks a lot everyone for the suggestions.

I have been trying different ways but I think i will use the PNG....easy and quicker.

I send you a huge THANK YOU to both of you