Cookies challenge thread

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This thread is a placeholder and will eventually host admissions of the upcoming Scribus Newsletter Cookie Challenge.

QuoteAt the end of December, many people use to do special things related to Christmas. One of the most popular traditions in many countries is to bake cookies.

We want to invite you to share you're preferred cookies recipe with us by creating a "fiche" in A5 format (TODO: which similar format for the US?) using Scribus and share both the PDF and the scribus project file with us.

We're asking or you kind participation.
All submissions should

  • Should be cc-by-sa or public domain or otherwise free
Thank you!


Well, I suppose someone had to start the ball rolling so I guess it might as well be me.

Here's a simple recipe card that I put together with the theme of "Pub Grub". There's a chalkboard on the left with the ingredients and a dirty - damn kids :) - dry-wipe board on the right with the recipe.

Apologies for the low resolution of some of the images used but the forum only allows ZIPs of a certain size so I had to make some adjustments.

I've attached an image and a zipped folder with the SLA and relevant resources. (If you want a PDF just create your own from the resources.)

Styles and layers have been used throughout but it's still fairly basic.

I'm sure that other people can come up with something much better so I'm looking forward to seeing more cards posted here.

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