Properly Setting Bleeds... What am I doing wrong

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Okay, so I am getting something ready to go to print. I haven't done this much. From what I understand, I want my background color to go onto the bleed (?). However when I set my bleed (0.25") it crops everything that is going outside of the page and onto the bleed. Instead of the background color, which I've set with a colored square the same size of the whole page (including bleed). Sorry, I hope I am using terms close enough to get my point across. I've also attached a screenshot.

Is this how it should show up, even though the brown is covering the bleed area in the working copy?

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i can't see anything about bleeds on your screenshot did you set a bleed area in the 'document setup' dialog? (→ first screenshot)
my second screenshot shows an image running into the bleed area.
in preview mode you won't see objects overlapping the final page size. (look at the eye in the lower right corner)


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