Small Scribus tutorial

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Hello to all,
First of all thanks to creators, team and Scribus community for this great tool.

This spring i used first time Scribus to create a brochure of educational services that my company provides. I would like to share this experience with you hoping that may be useful to learn Scribus's basic and advanced functions.

Find tutorial here . Wait your comments.
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Daria, I've had a quick flick through your tutorial and I think it looks great.

It's got a clean style that is easy to read and I especially like the way it takes the reader through a work-flow such as they might go through in real life.

I've seen so many tutorials - for other products, and programming languages are major culprits here - where the beginner is taken through bits of work-flows here and there but there's very rarely a "full life cycle" work-flow from start to end. So your tutorial gets full marks from me on that count.

I'm sure that what you've produced will be of great benefit to all kinds of users and I'm looking forward to having a proper read of it myself at some point soon.

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. The link to the file containing the resources (page 5) didn't work "cleanly" for me. I got a "page not found" screen but it contained a link to the right file anyway. Probably just needs a little tweak somewhere, unless it's just my machine. (Not a huge problem, just thought I'd mention it.)


Hi, GarryP,
thank you for your comment, i'll try to fix link from pdf, meanwhile added direct link here, hope it works better. Please if you find any further mistakes, let me know.


Hey Daria,

thanks for sharing your work with the community! I made an account just to give you a little feedback/constructive criticism. The tutorial's content is alright, but what bothers me is the large amount of spelling errors, which in my opinion makes it really frustrating to read. Which is a real shame, cause the information provided is actually very useful for a beginner like me. Concluding from your handle I take you're not a native speaker (neither am I), so this could be a great chance to improve your understanding of the language :D

Looking forward to an update!



Hi, Max
thank you for your feedback, i could correct and will update but in this period i don't have time to rework. However this is a tutorial on Scribus and does not pretend to be pleasant to read or expressive, just to be informative. If you or anyone would like to rework, here is the office document.

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