Recent posts

Languages, Translation and Localisation / Re: Transifex updates
Last post by AdmFubar - November 05, 2024, 11:17:53 PM
is there a list of upcoming features for 1.7, and 1.8?
Layout Issues / Aligning objects selecting on ...
Last post by AdmFubar - November 05, 2024, 11:02:39 PM
Found an odd quirk I think. Was aligning objects in a previously created document. Was using align to first selected option, but noticed different behavior when selecting elements from the page vs the outline window. It works as expected from the document page, but when selecting from the outline panel, the order of the items from the top down denotes what is first. (top most element)

Can someone confirm this behavior?
Scripts and Plugins / How to read the value of a rad...
Last post by titi - November 05, 2024, 10:15:19 PM

I am getting started with javascripting in Scribus and I made some working scripts but I do not succeed in reading the value of a radio button group.

More precisely, I have
  • four radio buttons grouped in a group named "gr",
  • a macro which on mouse up print this.getField("gr").value
and I get only the name of the radio button on which I have clicked.

How can I know which button is checked ?

I read things on exportvalue but I don't imagine how I can use it.

Thanks in advance for any hint.
Languages, Translation and Localisation / Re: Transifex updates
Last post by MrB - November 05, 2024, 09:13:49 PM
I don't remember exactly, but I believe it went like this when we moved from 1.4/1.5 to 1.6 (from 1.5) / 1.7 (from 1.5):
- Rename ScribusStable to Scribus 1.4.x
- Copy Scribus to ScribusStable
- Introduce Scribus based on the same.

I'm not sure how to combine suggestions between the two. I don't think you need to check all texts though. I hope that 1.6.x will not have a tremendously long life. The advances in 1.7 suggest to me we're more heading to 1.8.
PDF Generation / Re: PDF Text Distances not bei...
Last post by Nermander - November 05, 2024, 04:47:09 PM
I suspect that the Scribus settings for text fields are not included in the PDF. The PDF form fields are handled by the PDF viewer and as such they most likely have limitations to the formatting.
Languages, Translation and Localisation / Re: Transifex updates
Last post by StephanP - November 05, 2024, 08:03:11 AM
Thanks for this explanation.
I have another question about the ScribusStable branch, as I think I'm seeing inconsistencies in the Dutch translation compared to the Scribus branch.

I figure it must have been about a year ago that the ScribusStable branch was created. Was this created as a copy from the Scribus branch or was it drawn from the code base, not necessarily the same as the Scribus branch?

Further question: How can one create and maintain consistency between these two translation branches, preferrably semi-automatically?
Hint: translations in branch Scribus are not offered as suggestions in ScibusStable and vice versa.

Having put a tremendous amount of effort in the branch Scribus in the past - assuming that it would soon override the Scribus 1.4 branch - I fear that now I have to go through ScribusStable once again, checking all 7613 texts for consistency as I did in 2022-2023.
Scripts and Plugins / using shapes with ScribusGener...
Last post by zeroheure - November 04, 2024, 11:50:44 PM
I wanted to use Scribus pre-defined shapes with ScribusGenerator, so I browsed the XML in the SLA file. Looks like it is not possible, the shapes are defined with coordinates and the FRTYPE number is the only way to recognize them. Am I wrong ?
Is there a way to use other shapes, like ones created with Inkscape, with ScribusGenerator ? Did someone already tried this ?
Any help welcome. Thankyou.
PDF Generation / PDF Text Distances not being h...
Last post by MGD4me - November 04, 2024, 10:14:42 PM
I created an Application form (ver 1.62) for our hobby club, requesting some of the usual personal details, like name, email, phone, etc.

The form has labels, followed by a text field for data entry, something like this"

Name:  [         ]
Email: [               ]

In the text field, in Content Properties >> Columns and Text Distances, I set the Left spacing to 0.125 in, so that any text entered would not be "slammed" hard against the left hand side of the field.

I can see the that there is a visible vertical "mark" in the text field, confirming that this is where any entered txt will be placed. I have also have set the field with a coloured background, so that the field is more apparent.

However, when I export the Application form as a PDF, the offset, or Left spacing is lost when viewing on a computer screen. When text is entered into any of the fields on my laptop, it is hard-justified to the left, losing the 0.125 in space.

Is this normal, or is there any workaround?


Languages, Translation and Localisation / Re: Transifex updates
Last post by MrB - November 04, 2024, 06:47:46 PM
ScribusStable (in Transifex) is the 1.6.x stable code branch. It doesn't mean translations are 100% locked in but are mostly unchanging. We'll be releasing 1.6.3 soon enough. Worth keeping it 100% up to date.

Scribus (in Transifex) is the 1.7.x branch and is definitely not stable. Lots changing here in the UI. Likely we will release 1.7.0 without calling for translation updates. Update at will.
Beginner Talk / Re: Paragraph style
Last post by tim_occ - November 04, 2024, 02:53:58 PM
Yes, just select the frame (no blinking cursor in the text) and apply a paragraph style.
It applies the style to all paragraph inside this frame and linked frames.