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Installation and Setup / Fresh install 1.6.2 on kde neo...
Last post by okoolo - October 22, 2024, 08:59:54 PM
Just installed scribus 1.6.2 on kde neon (ubuntu variant) but the file/preferences menu is missing and the icons are barely visible ( 2k resolution 27 inch monitor)

used this ppa
PDF Generation / Re: Just upgraded from 1.5.6 t...
Last post by ZeeGee - October 22, 2024, 12:11:47 PM
Solved... The only thing I haven't tried yesterday - well it was just after midnight here, is to restart my PC. So you might be right with the old config file, and instead of panicking I should have just reboot the computer... Aging not always goes together with wisdom...
Thanks and have a great day!
PDF Generation / Re: Just upgraded from 1.5.6 t...
Last post by ZeeGee - October 22, 2024, 10:02:12 AM
It's Windows 11 Pro. Version 10.0.22631.
PDF Generation / Re: Just upgraded from 1.5.6 t...
Last post by AdmFubar - October 22, 2024, 04:20:47 AM
might be your old configuration file.
what os and version  of it are you using?
PDF Generation / [SOLVED] Just upgraded from 1....
Last post by ZeeGee - October 22, 2024, 12:09:18 AM
Hiya, I've been using Scribus for 3 years for quite simple packaging designing.
The old (1.5.6) version didn't load in today, so I decided to re-install/upgrade it. I updated the Ghostscript as well.
When I start generating PDF pages, it takes "forever" - 30-50sec for 3-8 pages comparing to what it used to be yesterday - 1-2sec - with the old version. If I click on the screen during the writing process, the "not responding" text comes up, but after waiting a while it finishes and Acrobat opens with the pdf files. So it always made the PDFs I wanted, but it obviously "struggles" and makes my work a lot slower.
I could go back to 1.5.6, it worked for me totally fine, until now, but if you have any idea how I can fix this, I'd appreciate it so much!
General Discussion / Re: Plus Minus on Numpad Not W...
Last post by Nermander - October 19, 2024, 05:44:34 PM
A lot of people today do not learn about different shortcuts because most programs do not encourage their use. Instead programs are design so you should "see" how it works without having to learn.

We use MS Office at work and I have always been very good at Word shortcuts and tricks, but have struggled with Excel (because we did not use it as much and I thought I knew how to use it...).

But then I sat down and tried to make a list of useful keyboard shortcuts in Excel (and I also learned how to define tables) and now I probably work twice as fast in Excel. For example I was always so frustrated I had to double click cells to edit them, because then I had to move my hand from the keyboard to the mouse. So learning F2 really improved my speed! :)
Beginner Talk / Re: [SOLVED] Commencer la numé...
Last post by Geronimo89 - October 19, 2024, 04:54:44 PM
Nickel, ça fonctionne !
Merci BN
General Discussion / Re: Plus Minus on Numpad Not W...
Last post by BN_Dev - October 19, 2024, 04:54:02 PM
Every day is a school day ;D
General Discussion / Re: Plus Minus on Numpad Not W...
Last post by SirMix - October 19, 2024, 10:35:31 AM
Somehow that information was never told me. :o
I was happy enough to just use the plus/minus on numpad with my thumb.
Beginner Talk / Re: I Cannot Turn Off Snapping
Last post by BN_Dev - October 18, 2024, 08:22:25 PM
Go to View -> Grids & Guides -> * and then them both on. Then go to View -> Text Frames -> Show Baseline Grid and turn that on.  See if your snapping matches any of those things.

Check you have definitely disabled everything in Page -> Snap to *

Is your snapping occurring in a particular document?  Does it happen in an entirely new document?