Scribus failing repeatedly

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Several problems, probably related:
1. I had a 20-page document parked (unsaved, DUMB!) and was working on a separate 1-page doc, trying different color backgrounds, Scribus crashed, losing both documents.
2. Scribus would not load a previously saved portion, many attempts including reboots and computer off reboots.
3. Deleted and reloaded Scribus, several times, still wouldn't work. Wouldn't open on a saved doc, wouldn't go past the 1st menu (paper size, etc.) if opened new. 
4.Scribus message: a previous copy exists, must delete first.  Found several previous versions, removed them.  Ran Drive Cleaner and Drive Check, examined the Programs folder for any other copies, all deleted, removed any previous Scribus downloads from Download file, absolutely no copies left, including any loaded.  Downloaded new, ran the file, tried to start it, went only to first menu, kept saying other copies exist. Unable to resolve problem.   Scribus 1.4.2, Windows XP Pro 32-bit,  800 GB empty on 1TB drive.  Documents are weeklies and monthlies, reusing previous editions and making changes as needed.


Did you remove all!!! mentions of Scribus in the Registry?

If nothing helps. change to Linux, even if you depend on XP for the one or other program, install a good Linux distro (to change from XP, I recommend Kubuntu) and keep your XP in a dual boot environment. Time to install Kubuntu and get it properly running with most important apps: three to four hours and you are ready.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island