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October 2013
I am still waiting for a version of Scribus which handles at least partially OpenType features (contextual positioning and/or glyph substitution).
I am in Laos assisting people who cannot afford using a proper version of InDesign for education material (but rely then on a cracked version...). I would like them to be able to use Scribus instead.
I hope this will come soon.
OpenOffice/LibreOffice handles these features perfectly (under Windoes or linux), so that should be possible in Scribus...
Scribus does not handle the substitution featers nor the positioning features of OpenType fonts.
This is a major handicap if I want to use Scribus with Lao language / alphαbet using Unicode fonts, because correct positioning of diacritics is depending of these features. I guess it should be the same with a number of other Asian alphabets.

I hope this will be corrected in future versions

I attach two PDF files, one showing how it should look like and how Sribus renders it
the model test file was prepared with LibreOffice - works in windows or linux as well
the other file is from Scribus on Windows (but it is not better on linux)

By the way, Inkscape on linux recognises substitution features but not positioning, ans Mac OS has the same llimitations.
This is a way around as there are MX fonts which does use substituions to use additional combinations in the fonts to create the proper combinations with the correct position of diacritics

[attachment deleted by admin]


As far as I understand it is well known that Scribus does not yet support complex scripts. It's work in progress.


Thanks for this anwer.
So we just have to wait and hope that the support for Complex scripts / OpenType features comes soon!


Thanks for the tip
I had vaguley seen that there was such king of possible use of LaTeX within Scribus
I'll test it when I get time to do it...
Of course, working through an external TeX typesetting process is much less user-friendly...