La Gatera de la Villa, a magazine made with Scribus

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  I'd like show us "La Gatera de la Villa". A magazine made with Scribus.
  Right now we have just launched the number 11.


  You can see all the numbers in

Tips are accepted.


Looks good!

Does Scribus handle the magazine as one document?



Quote from: oscillator on October 31, 2012, 11:58:53 AM[...]Does Scribus handle the magazine as one document?[...]

Yes. It works fine in a single document.

First, we are working in many files, and later we put all articles together in a unique file. And it works fast.


as  i already had the chance to write to you: good work! :-)

one hint i can give you, is to use the baseline...

i would also avoid the rounded "double" boxes... but this is more a personal preference...

have a nice day


I've got a little tip on the rounded "double" boxes that a.l.e mentioned, if anyone is interested.

You can create a similar effect but without the "waist" between the two boxes using a mix of some Scribus functions.

Here's how (the attached image shows the flow):

1. Draw a rectangle shape (not a text frame) that is short but wide. NOTE: If you make the rectangle the actual width that you want it'll make things a lot easier later. TIP: Make the rectangle twice as high as you want the finished rectangle to be.
2. Use the "Properties" palette "Shape" tab to round the corners.
3. Draw another rectangle that covers the bottom half of the first rectangle. TIP: Put the top of this second rectangle where you want the first one to "stop" when it's been cut later.

You should now have two rectangles shown in "Step A" in the image.

4. Now select the first (rounded rectangle) then shift-select the other one.
5. Go to the "Item" menu and select "Path Tools..." and "Path Operations".
6. Click the "Subtracts the second shape..." icon.
7. Make sure none of the "Keep" or "Swap" checkboxes are checked.
8. Click "OK".

You should now have a half-rounded rectangle as shown in "Step B" in the image.

You can now do the same for the "underside" rectangle but cutting the top part of the rectangle off instead of the bottom (shown in "Step C"). NOTE: Do not just make a rotated copy of the first shape as the text in that shape will be upside down!

Once you have the two shapes:

9. Go to the "Windows" menu and select "Align and Distribute".
10. Select the first rectangle then shift-select the second one.
11. In the "Align and Distribute" palette set "Relative to" to "First Selected" and click on the "Center on vertical axis" and "Align tops of items to bottom of anchor" icons.

You should now have what looks like a rounded rectangle with a line through it ("Step D").

You can now convert each of the shapes to text frames (menu "Item" -> "Convert to" -> "Text Frame") and use them as normal.

Another way to do this would be to create normal squared-off rectangles and use a rounding tool (as mentioned in but I personally think the workflow above requires less fiddly editing for this particular requirement (you get the rounded corners "for free", so to speak).

Anyway, I hope even a little bit of this is of some help to someone out there.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Impresionante! Muy buen trabajo. Si tan sólo las fotografías arquitectónicas sería sin distorsión ...

Salu2 desde Alemania!


Quote from: a.l.e on November 01, 2012, 01:14:40 PM
one hint i can give you, is to use the baseline...
Hi a.l.e.

  I don't know how i must use the baseline. I have to learn it.

Quote from: a.l.e on November 01, 2012, 01:14:40 PM
i would also avoid the rounded "double" boxes... but this is more a personal preference...

Thanks. We'll study this.

Quote from: GarryP
I've got a little tip on the rounded "double" boxes that a.l.e mentioned, if anyone is interested.[...]

Thanks GarryP. It seems much work. We don't have many time to do this magazine.

Quote from: toyotadesigner
  Gracias toyotadesigner.
  Sí, me temo que no todas las fotografías son buenas.



I'm not a.l.e, but can give some comments:)

I know how hard it is to see all these small details when you have been working with the layout, you almost always need input from others (I learned that when doing a magazine for a computer club a while ago). But I also know that a lot of things are about personal preference and intended "feel" about the publication, so don't take my comments as the truth:)

The text in the black strip at the top of the front page could be better aligned (that is probably a place where you do not want it aligned to the baseline grid but adjusted to be in the middle (visually) of the black strip).

For me it looks as if the red squares in the bottom part of the front page have a different position relative the baseline for the text.

In most typography you use either an extra line between paragraphs OR a first line indent. Using both is usually considered bad practice.

In the spread pages 6-7, I would have made the caption for the big image on the lower part of page 7 align with the caption for the image on page 6 (and I would have used baseline grid to also make them aligned with the last line of text on page 6). Most often you want the tops of top items aligned and the bottoms of bottom items aligned to avoid the "feeling" of an incomplete page.

That's why you should have a grid of guides to align your content to.

In some places the centering of the photo captions look a bit misplaced. I have learned to try to avoid centering, because often it creates problems (multi line centered text can become extremely hard to read). It has it's uses, but often a similar effect can be achieved in other ways.