[SOLVED] Making a bilingual book

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Hello there  ;D  I've read a few tutorials on the basics but I've yet to find this information.

I'm making bilingual books, with English on left pages and French on right pages.

How can I automate the process of linking text boxes on left pages and text boxes on right pages ? I know how to make it by hand, but we're talking hundreds, thousands of pages accross seven books. I'm sure there's a better way. Is there a script/plugin that does that or a native way I've not yet come accross ?

Thanks a lot in advance  :)  !


I've read your question already on Reddit (is it indeed you?) and thought: no, Scribus is not really the right choice for a bilingual book.

The issue is that you cannot synchronize the start of the paragraphs and keep the flow going hand in hand on both sides.


But, now that I read a bit better your question, you're asking something different.

Yes, it is possible to import (or paste) a text that flows on the left pages and one other that flows on the rights ones.

And it's even pretty easy to do so.

  • Create a Scribus document with facing pages.
  • Create the first pages, up to the first two where you want the translated text to start (I have created three of them: a cover page and two pages for the facing translations).
  • Create a frame on each of the two pages where the translation starts.
  • Paste (or load) your English text in the frame on the left page and your French text in the one on the right side.
  • Create n double pages where you want your text to flow into (I've created five of them): If it's not the right number, you can later add more pages in the same way or delete the ones which are left empty.
  • Click on the frame on the left side and start "Item > Duplicate/Transform > Multiple Duplicate".
  • Activate the "By page" tab.
  • Select "Following Even Pages" and check the box for "Link Text Frames"
  • Do the same for the right page and the odd following ones.

Now, you have your text and you can add spaces or even try to split the frame inside of a page to manually synchronize the start of the paragraphs / sections / chapters (whatever you want to synchronize...)


That was indeed me on reddit, so thank you one more time (also, hello fellow Swiss person)  :)

My post on reddit clearly wasn't accurate enough, but what you're describing now seems perfect for my needs ! Many thanks, I'll get to work now.