Text and image frames changing position

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I am new on the forum. I love Scribus and I am thankful that we have this program. I recently became aware of a problem in Scribus that is bothering me a lot. I was editing a book and I noticed that text in header, although it is on same position on every page, not on same position when I viewing pages by listing them. So, I made a new blank document with 50 pages and inserted one text frame and one image frame on same position on every page. And problem was the same when I am viewing pages by listing them. What is wrong? Is it the program bug? 



I hope that you understand me. Formally text and image frames are on same position but when I am listing pages text and image frames moves up and down from page to page as if pulsating. There is a pdf document attached in the first post.


maybe I missed something
it looked OK to me  114 pages of MAGAZINE

have you tried setting up guides and snap to guides for the pages?
maybe that would help keep things in place?


i'm more interested in what you mean by 'listing' pages.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


thank you for the answers.
Position of text and image frames on those 114 pages is OK - mathematically. That's only a header on those 114 pages. But, I see a problem when I listing pages. English is not my native language so excuse me if I didn't express myself well. With "listing" pages I mean scrolling through Scribus document by clicking Page down key on the keyboard. Also, it is visible in the pdf document when you set Book view in a pdf viewer and scroll through document by clicking right arrow. In that "listing" you move through document in two pages step so header should be in fixed position. But it is moving up and down as if pulsating. You can look word "MAGAZINE" in the attached pdf document and notice how it moves up and down in that "listing".   


Looking at it on okular, in presentation mode, and paging through, I only notice the ZINE in the word magazine shifting a bit. this may be a font issue, or more likely an issue with rendering the page to the display resolution in your pdf reader. Try another pdf reader if you can to compare..

Also check the pdf export options and see if the compress text and vector drawing compression is active. It might be the cause.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


Quote from: AdmFubar on January 20, 2024, 10:57:11 PMAlso check the pdf export options and see if the compress text and vector drawing compression is active. It might be the cause.

thanks a lot. "pdf export" was the key. Text and vector drawing compression wasn't problem but you pointed me to the solution. It was my silly mistake that I was producing pdf by Print function. I had totally forgotten pdf export, even though I used it on the previous document half a year ago. Unbelievable, I've been looking for a solution for a month. Thanks!


Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist