Text object instead of frame?

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I am new to Scribus and have a question. Is there a way to create text objects instead of text frames?

I have built a magazine and found Scribus to be amazing tool, however there were some features I missed. Most of them are already being developed for the next release, however I was unable to find nay information if there is such thing in Scribus as text object.

in most software text tool works in two ways, the one selects a text tool, click once on the place where text should emerge and then the one can type it and modify it as an object, or the one can draw a rectangle which creates a text frame. In Scribus I found only text frames, but no way to create simple solo text object.

Does Scribus support text object or should I submit a feature request if Scribus development team takes feature requests?
Thank you for your time!
Kind regards,


Hi Danas_Anis,

In Scribus, there is always text frame.




Thank you very much for your reply.


One thing that just struck me, in Scribus you can attach a text to a curve, wouldn't attaching a text to a straight line give something that would work as a "text object"?


If you covert the 'convert to outline', that's a de facto text object kinda, except the text content can't be edited at that point.