automatically generated copies of styles

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I use Scribus 1.5.8 on Mac Sonoma.
I have created a number of styles for a long document and my style window is full of automatically generated copies of those styles. Apparently, every time I use a style, a clone is created, numbered 2, 3, 4...
I'll be thankful to whoever helps me fix this problem.


not automatic but you can just delete them and assign a different style to whatever text was formatted with the style you're deleting


Thanks PatJr,
I have actually deleted numerous copies, but the styles keep generating more, so it doesn't solve the problem. And deleting and replacing a style in the texts that were formatted with it is a very tedious process.
I'd just like to know what creates the problem; I just hope I have checked a box inadvertently somewhere and unchecking it will solve my problem


Something sounds very odd with your document. How it is "generating styles automatically"  is a red flag.

Time to post your file here so we can take a look at what is going on.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


Sorry but I don't see how to insert a file other than as an image


use hosting service. and add the link to it here
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


I think it was all my fault. I had imported these styles from another document and tried to edit them and probably made a big mess of it.
I realized there were inconsistencies in my style sheet, so I had another go at it. I copied my text into a new file, erased the superfluous styles and tried to organize them more logically. Apparently it works. Fingers crossed...
In case the problem happens again, I'll send you the file. Could you tell me where the hosting service is?


There are a number of sites available. Google provides a service for hosting file you with to share with other. keep in mind they will of be rummaging through them, so you may want zip and encrypt the file before using their service if there could be a privacy issue.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


Perhaps when you imported styles you didn't check "Replace Existing Style"?  The default is "Rename Imported Style" and that might be the problem you saw.