how to close paragraph

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in word (or similar)when I press CR (carriage return) automatically close the paragraph (and all of it's defined aspect.
How can I do that in Scribus?

I mean, when I close a paragraph all the aspect of it are erased (alignment...etc)
Or do I have to use another text box?

Thank you



I think i know what you mean here.
After pressing return, your formatting parameters are reset, to the default for the document?

what you should be doing is inputting all the text you need. Then adjusting the formatting for the look of the text.

Penso di sapere cosa intendi qui. Dopo aver premuto il ritorno, i tuoi parametri di formattazione vengono ripristinati, al valore predefinito per il documento? Quello che dovresti fare è inserire tutto il testo di cui hai bisogno. Quindi regolare la formattazione per l'aspetto del testo.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


But can I do in the same text frame or do I have to create as many frame as difference text formatting


you can do it in the same frame, the formatting is applied to the text selected in the frame,  not the globally to frame contents.

È possibile farlo nella stessa cornice, la formattazione viene applicata al testo selezionato nel frame, non nel contenuto a livello globale a frame.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


this is exactly what I thought! But, all the frame take the same formatting, also if I change paragraph, character style.

Could it be a bug in ver. 1.5.8?



i dont think it is a bug.. works fine in my version... can you post an example?
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


In this example you can see that although left margin are selected it doesn't act




Ok figured out why.
You centered the text from the Text Properties panel, and this overrides  the paragraph justification in the paragraph style you are trying to apply.  Go back to the Text Properties panel and set the justification to the left., then go back an apply your paragraph style.
Also make sure you create a new style and leave the original default style unchanged.

OK ha capito perché. Hai centrato il testo dal pannello Proprietà del testo e questo sovrascrive la giustificazione del paragrafo nello stile di paragrafo che stai cercando di applicare. Torna al pannello Proprietà di testo e imposta la giustificazione a sinistra.
Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


Quote from: AdmFubar on December 24, 2023, 11:28:39 PMYou centered the text from the Text Properties panel, and this overrides  the paragraph justification in the paragraph style you are trying to apply

where is "text property panel" in this panel I just have "paragraph style" and "character style"
where do I find "text property" panel?


ciao renato

here is a screenshot of my screen, the way it typically looks like while i'm editing some text...

have a look at "windows > properties" (F2) and "windows > content properties" (F3) and try to dock the palettes on the right side of your scribus window.
personally, i tend to only have one of both open at a time and switch among them with F2 and F3.


yes!!! I've done!!!!
thank you all and merry Christmas!!! Scribus is really god!

thank you and at next issue!
