Image frames with borders and captions

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Dear All,
I searched in the issues of this forum, but I did not find anything similar, so I ask this question, even if I am convinced that others might have had the same doubts in the past.
I would like to include in my text images. I have seen that when I create an image frame I can specify that the text flows around the image. But, I do not succeed in leaving a little white space between the image and the text, call it border or whatsoever. I tried with embedding the image frame in a textframe, this work, but I do not know if this is the ideal way of working. I would also need to put captions under the image to describe them (kind: Fig 1: Example of Config File). Yes, I could add under the image frame a text frame and embed the both in the textframe I mentioned before. Again, is this the recommended way of working ?
Thank you very much
Yours, sincerely


Did you try the Properties (F2) under shape and select the 2nd option for the Text flow? You also edit the image frame boundary box.
Or try the Content Properties (F3) and then fiddle with the image scale, position, and frame size to get a padding that works. Is that what you are looking for?


hi erik

go to 'properties' (f2)→ 'shape' → 'text flow'. select 'text flow around contour line'. then click on 'edit' and check the box 'edit contour line'. now you may either insert a value to increase the size of the contour line on all sides or select the control points direct on your document page (usually in pairs) and move them with the arrow keys (maybe with 'shift' or 'ctrl' as modifiers) or move them manually or select one point at a time and modify the x and y coordinates in the nodes editor...



Hello utnik,
thx a lot, great. It works perfectly.
Have a great day


A quick and dirty solution for this is to add a border/frame/stroke to the image and make it transparent. You will loose a few pixels of the image from how scribus adds border to an image but this might be acceptable.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


I have a similar question. I am using Scribus 1.5.8 on MacOS Sonoma 14.1. In the past the Properties -> Shape -> Edit dialog had an icon which would expand the border in all directions equally, leaving the image centered. (I also seem to recall there is a difference between Contour lines & bounding box, but I'm not sure about that.). Presently, all I see are a single arrow, either pointing up to the right or down to the right.  When I click on the up to the right arrow, the box expands, but the image is no longer centered. Reset contour lines or all edits does not restore things back to how they were before I clicked "edit." (i.e. contour line & image frame identical.)

Is there a distinction between contour lines & bounding box? How do contour lines relate to frame? What happened to the icon to expand the bounding box equally in all directions? What is the best way to achieve a uniform buffer of white space around an image box for wrapped text?


Well, I have egg on my face. My contour box had gotten so messed up that I deleted the image and started fresh. The shape edit dialog feels more quirky than I remember, but I was able to achieve uniform contour line expansion with the image centered. I had copied my file (a Christmas letter) from Dec. 2022 (created with the previous Scribus version), and had originally kept the old image box and replaced the image with a new one. I don't know if that was the source of my problems, but I seem to be back in business.