Generating ADA-compliant PDFs?

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I use Scribus to lay out a regular newsletter for a public school client in the US. Because they're a public school, they have to conform to requirements for handicapped accessibility and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The purpose of using Scribus for me has always been for precise visual layout, text styles, and generating print-ready PDF documents, but they're requesting that I also provide a PDF that is ADA compliant, which would allow screen readers to read the text aloud. I think embedding fonts instead of outlining, providing as much metadata as possible, and naming images is a good start, but Adobe Reader kinda freaks out when it reads the PDF and it isn't a nice experience. Does anyone have any insight on generating a ADA-compliant PDF using Scribus or otherwise?


Using Scribus 1.6.1, openSUSE 15.6
Advanced hobbyist


I think it may be difficult, since Scribus was designed for print.

For a screen reader to work, the letters of the word "hello" must come in the order h, e, l, l, o. But for printing, the printed result will look the same even if the letters are placed in a different order (as long as they are still placed in the correct location).

hello I now wrote by first writing llo, then adding the e and finally the h.