fonts free?

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Are all the fonts provided in Scribus free to use in a commercial product such as a magazine?


hi aksel

does scribus provide some fonts? – i didn't know about...
the fonts that are accessible from within scribus are the fonts you have installed system wide or in or in a location you told scribus to look for them – so they may have different legal limitations...



From what I understand, at least the Windows installer has the option to install additional fonts.

But I don't know what fonts that is (I never used it because I have my fonts directory set up already).


i can't imagine, that scribus is installing fonts with restricted licenses.
if you know which fonts, google them – i'm almost sure, they are free...


Fonts licenses can be complicated.

The license may allow free redistribution (with credits), and allow free non-commercial use, but require a fee for commercial use.

But of course the best way is to see what the name of the fonts is and google it. Usually the font also includes information on the license, but I'm not sure if that can be seen in Scribus.



wanted to give you the answer that it's verly likely that what comes with the scribus package is mostly free to use in any case...

but, then, i recalled that this i sadly not true. things like the documentation and some color sets are not free enough that you could do anything you would be able to do by respecting the spirit of the gpl or bsd license.

this means, that you will have to check every font you want to use and see if you're allowed to use it for your goal.
(all in all: it's very likely that you can use those fonts for designing a magazine)

