LaTeX, Cascading content across pages

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I've been experimenting with LaTeX content in Render Frames. This is interesting and I am sure that it took a lot of coding to even get this far (kudos!).

Unfortunately, this is also pretty limited in its application.

I would like to have the ability to add a LaTeX document (composed and proofed with an external editor) within a render frame (likely existing on a master page), which can cascade from one page to another as it runs out of space. In this way, one can display professionally typeset text in a magazine or long brochure, which text can be framed with images, underlain by watermark-like ghost images and so forth.

I am using version 1.5.8, which has the beta version of the Weld function, and it seems that Weld doesn't allow for a cascading text across Welded render frames.

Also, in the current version of ``EDIT SOURCE`` for render frames does NOT allow one to choose a prepared text-file, which (in this case) would be a LaTeX source-file. This makes more sense than cutting and pasting a text file that may run to tens of pages (or more).


Thank you for your interesting post.

Three comments from my side:

- I'm not sure why you want to use Latex from inside Scribus, rather than "simply" using Latex itself (I don't want to try, but I guess that it should be easier, if you already created a well crafted Latex document, to find a package that places a Scribus created PDF in the background of each page of the Latex document...).

- If there indeed is a real use for what you are suggesting, both using an external source file and being able to link frames could be somehow easy to implement (well, personally, I would dare to say that using external files has more chances to be defined as useful).
  The big question is: is there a person that is interested in those feature and has the skill to program them?

- I don't think that welded items are ready to be used in production.


Thanks for the reply, a.l.e.
I tried to import a PDF (as an "image") into a Scribus document and the text is chopped off by the frame that you drop it into. This doesn't make sense to use, then, because if the text has to flow to the next page, you have to 1) insert the pdf into one text frame, and see where it gets chopped off; then, 2) start another Tex file at the chop-off point, turn it into a pdf, and insert it into the next page's image frame(s).

I guess from your reply that the capacity to do this doesn't, in fact, exist within Scribus (yet).