Color warning triangle

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I created a master page with my own set of RGB colors. I then created a separate file with the stock Scribus colors because sometimes I just need my small palette. If I want more, I do an Edit/Colors/Import.

It's being working well for the past couple of years, but now I get red and yellow warning triangles next to some of both my colors and the Scribus stock colors. What am I being warned about???

For instance, I have a red that's 219 0 0 that has the warning. If I go into the color widget and edit and select "is a spot color", the widget flips form RGB to CMYK color model and gets rid of the triangle. If I switch back to RGB, the color definition is now 219 14 15. If I change the definition back to 219 0 0, the triangle pops up again. The Scribus colors that exhibit this behavior include Maroon, Napier green, and Orange-red.

Scribus 1.4.6 on Mint Linux.


The warning triangle indicates that the corresponding color cannot be reproduced exactly in the colorspace described by selected printer ICC profile. Printer profile can be selected in File > Preferences > Color Management for future documents or File > Document Setup > Color Management for current documents.


Thanks for the explanation. Any idea why the ICC profile would change - I haven't done anything. Currently they're set to RGB: 20F9CT01WW and CMYK: Chemical proof.

Edit: Sorry, answered my own question - previous docs did not have color management turned on!