Scribus 1.5.5 Editing window appears blank

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I have started using Scribus 1.5.5 and the editing window appears blank. However, when I select text in that window, the white text appears on a blue background. What should I do to see the text I want to edit and see the styles I can choose for each paragraph?


sounds like your font is set to white if so change it


Thanks for your quick response. And what can I do to change the color of the letter? In Scribus 1.4.8 I don't have those problems. Thank you very much.


just to be sure: you know that

- you can edit text by double clicking on the text frame (or pressing the e key when a text frame is selected)?
- you know that there is a text palette / content palette / properties palette (depending on the version of scribus) that you can dock on the right side (if you're using 1.5) and that it contains many more formatting options?

nowadays, using the editing windows should be an explicit choice, not a default action...

and if it's blank, it's because the editing window is using a white font or a font that does not contain the letters you have in your text (or you have no text in the frame, of course...)



Thanks to your information I have been able to start using Scribus 1.5.5. The appearance has improved a lot and is more Mac-style, but accustomed to the previous version Scribus 1.4.8 there are some things that seem like a leap back. The editing window still does not work the letter appears to be black but no text is visible in the window nor can the color of the text be changed. You can change the background color and then you can read the text. In the left column of the editing window you can not see anything, although clicking at the level of any paragraph you can see the style in which it is written and apply another style of those defined by the user. I would like to send a screenshot but I don't know how the image is included in the message. We will keep in touch. Thank you very much.


can you add a .SLA to this thread so it can be checked out



There I send you the files

[attachment deleted by admin]


hi jpascualripa

it might be one of the problems with scribus' adaptation to systemwide dark themes. the font color of the story editor seems to be related to a style used in a 'darkened' part of the ui.

could you file a bug report?



I have already reported the Scribus 1.5.5 bug to Mantis.


I am very surprised that no one has encountered these problems with the Scribus 1.5.5 on a Mac with OS 10.14.1 Mojave. I discovered and used Scribus 1.4.8 without any problem and I found it a fantastic layout software.


Quote from: jpascualripa on November 28, 2019, 08:41:21 PM
I am very surprised that no one has encountered these problems with the Scribus 1.5.5 on a Mac with OS 10.14.1 Mojave.

well – i don't know how many users are running the dev. version of scribus under the dark theme on a mac...



Judging by the answers given to my query, I am the only user of Scribus 1.5.5 to whom the editing window appears blank. Do the developers of the application plan to do something to solve the problem? I think they are already preparing the Scribus 1.6 version. Presumably before they should solve the problems of the previous version.


hi j

sadly, the developers cannot fix an issue that only happens on your computer... except if you get a developer to physically access your computer.

we have had a few issues being reported for the dark theme on the newest macos.
we will need to sort them out, but we don't have many developers using a mac and -- i guess -- even fewer using the dark theme on macos.

and, fyi, 1.6 will be the continuation of 1.5.5, with bug fixes, not a new version.
when the development branch 1.5.x will be ready, it will be called 1.6 and we will have a big party.

for the time being, you might consider using a light theme on your mac...


well, you might change the background color in 'preferences' → 'user interface' → 'story editor' to a dark gray. this would show the white text. but i couldn't find a color setting for the stile panel on the left side of the story editor – for the time being the dark theme has some issues...
