Cannot change the round corner value ?

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Hello everyone,

I'm a Scribus noob and would like to draw a basic round-cornered rectangle.
I guess I have to draw a rectangle, then change th e round corner value in the Shape tab of the object's properties ?
Well, I cannot ! :s
The input is disabled...
Am I doing wrong in configuration ? or something else ?

Thanks in advance to help me...


yes you can...

just do it...

it's there where you were looking for it...

... but the shape must be a real rectangle...

... how are you drawing the rectangle?



Thanks for your help !
I make my rectangle by chosing the default shapes, then rectangle.
And the input to modify the round corner value is still disabled, so i cannot change the value.


hi osef

this should work!

which os? which version of scribus?



Hi a.l.e,

I found the issue : I opened an .eps file and I could not change this value.
I tried by creating a new document and the input is now enabled.
Sorry for my unconsciousness !


yep, depending on how the rectangle is defined it can or not have rounded corners. only "real" rectangles can have them... bezier courbes which happen too look like a rectangle cannot :-)