text size and frames

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hi all,

i'm new here and just starting to get my feet wet with scribus, so forgive any silly sounding questions. i couldn't find an answer to my question searching for text frames, so...

when i want to add a large text frame, e.g. for a caption, say in 72pt or more, the frame of the text extends incredibly far below the actual text. if i drag the lower border upwards, the text disappears, because apparently it doesn't fit anymore, so i have to make the box quite large.

now if that text is supposed to go anywhere near the bottom of the page, then the frame goes way beyond my margins. the question is now:

- can i somehow align the text with the bottom of the box, or
- does it not matter if the frame is below my frames, because there will be nothing to print anyway.

thanks for any help,

Macintel, Scribus 1.3.5


Just try it, I think you will find that the text frame can extend outside the page dimensions without affecting the pdf generation.


stefangs, for making the size of the text larger or smaller, I normally highlight it then go to property and click  on text, the next window will give you choices like alignment, font size,  spacing  between the text and so much more.

With such a thing as a heading I would make a separate text box.

If you have more than one page your heading might have gone to the next page or if they are not linked you will find a small read box on the lower right hand corner of your text frame, that indicates you have more text waiting to be put in place.

I find the text frames useful because with multiple pages I can race the text frame at the bottom so the the text can then go to the next page. As long as they are linked.



Quote from: stefangs on November 17, 2011, 10:13:28 PM
when i want to add a large text frame, e.g. for a caption, say in 72pt or more, the frame of the text extends incredibly far below the actual text. if i drag the lower border upwards, the text disappears, because apparently it doesn't fit anymore, so i have to make the box quite large.

Hi stefan,
I've experienced this - I think it has to do with how the font glyphs are created. AFAICT, Scribus thinks that the white space at the bottom is part of the font. Therefore, if you try to get rid of the space by making the text box smaller, it decides that the whole line of text shouldn't be visible. Making large text frames that extend off the page isn't a problem at all - just more of an annoyance than anything else.

Scribus 1.4.0 on Windows Vista 32-bit



thank you all for your helpful comments. i guess i just won't worry about the oversized frame. it's a bit of a drag, because you can't use the alignment tools very well, but i'll probably get used to 'eyeballing' it.

Macintel, Scribus 1.3.5


Quote from: stefangs on November 20, 2011, 11:28:12 AM
thank you all for your helpful comments. i guess i just won't worry about the oversized frame. it's a bit of a drag, because you can't use the alignment tools very well, but i'll probably get used to 'eyeballing' it.

Here are a few suggestions:

1) You can create guides anywhere on the screen, even off the page, and you can snap to any of them.

2) I rarely use guides for placement of frames; I find it faster to use the properties palette.

3) You can create a text frame of the size and position you need and save it to the scrapbook. When you drag it out of the scrapbook to place it on a page it will automatically position itself to the same place it was when it was placed into the scrapbook.

4) Consider using text grids. Aligning the text to the grid will probably help with your problem. Even if it doesn't, it makes facing pages line up correctly. I use text grids for most of my projects. You can set a text style to align to the grid so it will be automatic.

And welcome to Scribus!
Linguistics on Linux!


... text grids are probably the "baseline grid"... not the grid you can find in the view (and page) menu...

or not?



yep, thanks again. thank god i'm only starting with simple projects for now (single pages). but probably sooner rather than later more pages will be waiting  ::)

so it's good to start on the right track.

Macintel, Scribus 1.3.5