English and Hebrew Words on one line

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Good Day, I am using Scribus version 1.4.6.
I am trying to have a line of text with both English and Hebrew Words. This works perfectly in LibreOffice but once I try to this Scribus the Hebrew characters do not show up even when I use the story editor.
I made sure the font is used correctly for the English and the Hebrew words but to no avail the Hebrew is showing up as small blocks outside the story editor and a few blocks for specific Hebrew letters. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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ciao prunk

a. the story editor is not the default way to edit text in a frame. just double click the frame to type the text.
b. hebrew is only supported starting from the development release 1.5.3 (or 1.5.4)
c. the fact that you can type hebrew glyphs in the story editor does not mean that scribus can correctly handle them.



I have no experience in Hebrew text but I imagine you could write this in svg (using Inkscape) and import svg object into Scribus.