Imposition Plugin for Scribus ?

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can somebody tell me, how do i install the Imposition Plugin for Scribus on a mac? I have Scribus 1.5.4 installed. And..Is it worth it?

Thank you


there is not solution inside of scribus.

a few people are using and they're happy with it.

personally, i'm using pdfnup and similar command line tools on linux.
i even have a script that also runs partially inside of scribus for some tasks and i might consider getting it to be even more "inside" of scribus...
but i have no concrete plans yet (and i have other priorities!)

you might try pdfnup and the command line tools if you're on linux or on mac and you're comfortable with using the command line.


Thank you a.l.e

I'll check that pdfsam out. Also will check pdfnup if this could add functionality? I am on a mac. Although it is not the same, I have some experience with ffmpeg using terminal for video compression, so I can give it a try I guess. Anyways it would be great if you know of any tutorial or so, to get me started.



Are you just interested in n-up imposition or also other imposition such as making booklets?



hi, I am interested in booklet imposition, I am starting a little (self publishing) project.


I have not used it in awhile but you could try:  (though it only uses standard sizes and does not understand bleed)

There used to be one called jImposition but I cannot seem to find it and it looks like no one retrieved the project code from Google Code before it shut down in 2015 and another one named multivalent, but I think that one is a command line only.

Not many free options for the mac and I have not used them, but here are some inexpensive ones such as:

or you could try your local copy/printshop, I usually charge $1.00/page to impose a file for a customer.  I hope these get you to a starting point.




for simple booklets, you can often just use your pdf reader / printer driver and set it to print a booklet...


Thank you all for these answers, will check them out.

There are still some decisions to make regarding the format. It will be most likely printed on a A1 or A2 sheet, not at home, so want to have the document set right. I am trying to get the whole workflow clear before start designing



I think jPDFtk is one of the more competent solutions, but it takes a lot to "design" a imposition in it. No real GUI, but rather using numbers.


is there something similar for Mac?


Many of the tools are written in java, they should work on Mac.