help: get_win_string: Character ` ' (0x20) invalid in PS name string

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Hello guys,

I downloaded scribus source and tried compiling it again and again for two days, finally exe was got. but when I ran it, got something like this: get_win_string: Character ` ' (0x20) invalid in PS name string.  anyone encountered the same problem? I'm not yet familiar with the source code and from the output information it seems there is no clue to show where is the problem.

thanks for any help.

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from a google search, it looks like a freetype2 error...

i guess you are compiling scribus under windows.... if so, i would be interested in knowing more about how you did it...


yes, I'm using visual studio community 2017 compiling scribus of current git master branch.

It's been a very long time that I've not programed this kind of application, so I even forgot to debug it step by step  :).

now I'm debuging it, it stoped in cheking the file scribus150.rc, I will check what happed in it. if there is any progress, I will post here.



most people who compile scribus do so on linux.

there is only one person i know who compiles it on windows and he also the one doing the packaging + most of the commits... so there is definitively a way to get it to work...

but the instruction for compiling on windows are not thoroughly tested...


I found that the problem is happenning while loading plugins, but I donot know yet which plugin has the problem, so I replaced the whole plugins directory with the one of 1.4.6, the application can be started up, and I tried editing some content(text frame, picture frame), and exported it as pdf, all these worked.

so next, I need to find which plugin(s) has the problem.



hi tenuun,

did you get the whole scribus to compile on windows, now?

could you please share how exactly you did it?
i would like to replicate it...



Hi a.l.e,

I mainly followed the insctructions of this doc:

I hope I can recall the whole process I tried, but I'm not sure if I can playback everything that useful in the process, since I tried here and there repeatedly during the compiling. But let me try. 

1) download the master branch of the git source(or other branch, I downloaded the master branch). unziped in one directory you want. e.g., this is mine: D:\scribus,   after unziped it would be like this: D:\scribus\scribus-master

2) and two supporting libs needed to download from here:  ,  these two:  scribus-1.5.x-libs-msvc2015
       and scribus-common-libs, unziped them into one directory(the two paths will be used in configurations file in the building dir of scribus).
       after unziped, mine is like this:
3) install qt5 binary for windows directly, I didnt download the source code to build.
4) prepare vc++ IDE, I installed visual studio community 2017.( 2015 version is mentioned in the instructions doc, probably 2015 is better for the job, I recommend 2015)
5) "Qt VS Tools" also needed to install in the visual studio, after installation, configure 'Qt Options' in the menu 'Qt VS Tools', add the path of QT binary installed, mine is: C:\Qt\Qt5.10.1\5.10.1\msvc2015 and C:\Qt\Qt5.10.1\5.10.1\msvc2017_64

6) build the two supporting lib.
    a. scribus-1.5.x-libs-msvc2015
        there is a solution file under it:  scribus-libs-msvc2015.sln, open it using VS and build.
        check each subdirectory, there is a 'lib'  sub dir. under it,  'Win32-v141'(or other something, depends on your VS version) dir is created and dll file should be generated in it.
        (for mine, it seems the build didnt generate all dlls needed. and I found in some sub dirs of scribus-1.5.x-libs-msvc2015, there is also solution file, so I used that to build individually one by one. I'm not an windows programing expert, so probably there will be better ways to build all the needed dlls for once. )
    b. scribus-common-libs
        nothing need to do

7) now to build scribus.
     a. go to the dir:  (your path)\scribus-master\win32\msvc2015, edit the file: Scribus-build-props.props, modify <SCRIBUS_LIB_ROOT> with the path of scribus-1.5.x-libs-msvc2015 in step 2), </QT5_DIR> with the QT binary's path, e.g.: C:\Qt\Qt5.10.1\5.10.1\msvc2015, in this option file, QT version is QT4, so all the QT4XXX string needed to change into QT5
     b.  open Scribus.sln using VS, build.

this is my rough procedure to build scribus, I think I should've chosen ms2015 and qt4 to build scribus, I have not yet tried more functions of scribus, maybe the build is not complete for some functions.

hope helpful, good luck.


very interesting!

one comment from my side:

- you are probably compiling scribus 1.5.4svn ... then Qt4 will not do. you really need Qt5!

i have no experience with visual studio...
but i want to try at some time and publish a even more detailed how-to for helping new developers getting into scribus!