Instaling Scribus 1.5.3 on Raspberry Pi

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Trying to install Scribus 1.5.3 on Raspberry Pi running Debian. I can load 1.4.2 through the Add/Remove Software tool but I can't figure out how to install 1.5.3.

Any assistance would be much appreciated!



That's what I thought but when I did apt-get install scribus-ng v1.4.6 was installed . . .


afaik, in debian there is only 1.4.6.

i don't know why, but 1.5.3 only shows up for experimental.


p.s.: of course scribus 1.5.x works perfectly on debian testing if you compile it yourself... and there are flatpaks and appimages... but i doubt that they are compatible with the rpi.


It looks as if in Stable scribus is 1.4.6 and scribus-ng is 1.4.0...