Limiting ink coverage in pdf 1.5 export

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Is there a way to limit ink coverage to 340% when exporting to pdf 1.5?
The Typography that is supposed to print my files has set this limit.
I was convinced that applying the ICC profile they sent me (ISO coated v2) it would automatically do so. Unfortunately it did not.
I installed a newer release of scribus 1.4.6, hoping to have the "total inc coverage" indication in the preflight window, but it is the same as my old version (1.4.1 - i kept them both, hope it's not a problem) and does not have that option.

Is there a way to manually reduce CMYK ink coverage before creating a pdf?

Thanks a lot.


hi agnisapaksa

Quote from: Agnisapaksa on June 25, 2017, 04:39:23 PMIs there a way to limit ink coverage to 340% when exporting to pdf 1.5?

...I was convinced that applying the ICC profile they sent me (ISO coated v2) it would automatically do so. Unfortunately it did not.

yes, it does ('iso coated v2' reduces the ink coverage to 330%) but you need to export your .pdf file for 'printer' – and the color management must be activated...



Hi Utnik,

Thanks a lot for answering this!

I am exporting in Printer mode, checking the box "use profile colors" under "images" , with Color management activated (and the iCC Iso coated set for CMYK and printer). 

The attachment is in Italian, sorry for that....

Can there be anything else that escaped my attention? I can't really think of anything...
Is there any other way to limit the ink coverage manually? 

Thanks a lot!

[attachment deleted by admin]


hi agnisapaksa

as i anderstand it, exporting to 'iso coated v2' should limit the coverage to 330%. but i've never controlled it, as i never use cmyk colors with more than 300% in the first place – so i need to check this some time...



Hi Utnik,
You have been really helpful! Thanks a lot.
I changed the scribus version to 1.4.6 and the profile works correctly. 
Have a wonderful day!