Move Objects in Preview Mode

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in the dev-version 1.5.2 and 1.5.4.svn I can't move object in the preview 1.4.6 I can.
Is this somehow my fault, a bug or is it not ment to be possible in future versions anymore?

Best regards,



a very bad change in 1.5.x, with bad reasons for introducing it.

i've been "fighting" this change ever since it has been made, but with no success.
no idea if it will be reverted at some time, but everybody using scribus hates it. as far as i know.

now, you can always press two buttons each time you get into preview mode...


I totally agree with a.l.e.

I'll re-state my opinion here that I think this change made Scribus worse and displays a somewhat dubious attitude of the developers towards the users.

I have asked the developers via Mantis - it's in the linked ticket for all to see - if they can provide a single instance of someone wanting this change to be made and I have had no answer. As a.l.e. said, there is a growing list of people who do not want this change and none of the developers have yet bothered to give any good reason why it was made in the first place.

A weak argument was given that you should not allow changes to be made that are unintentional but it is obvious that people do actually want to make changes. If people want to make changes then make that the default. If people want to be protected from making unintentional changes then keep them away from complex software. (I realise that's taking things a bit too far but this issue really sticks in my craw.)

If the developers are intentionally ignoring a large section of their user base then I have to wonder what's going on. Tin-foil hat or not, it's a curious situation.


thank you.  I was working with scribus with other teachers of arts last week- they were happy with scribus in general, there were only about few issues, they really kept missing and this was one of them...