Scribus can't find my network disk.

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Running Scribus 1.5.2 on my Windows 10 PC.
In my net I have a file and mailserver with Win XP.
On my Win10 PC I can run notepad.exe explorer.exe and I find all my disks on my filserver WinXP.
But when I try to save or open files from Scribus on my WinXp, Scribus do not see any disk from WinXP.
Only all disk on my WIN10 PC.
Maybe I have 'micklat' away in any way, But I don't undersand how.
Any help is appreciate!



Welcome to the forum Jonny.

I think your issue is related to this bug ticket which was raised way back in 2006.

There seems to be a work-around by typing the full server name + path + filename in the filename textbox but that sounds a bit messy to me. However, it might let you get on with things so it might be useful.

One of the barriers to getting it fixed might be if the developers don't have access to networked drives on Windows. If they don't have networked drives to test it on they can't see if the fix works. A bit like trying to fix a problem that occurs only on OSX without access to a Mac.

Maybe someone else has a better work-around or, even better, knows of a way to fix this nicely.


Hi Gary,

Thanks for the answer.

This works:
There seems to be a work-around by typing the full server name + path + filename in the filename textbox but that sounds a bit messy to me. However, it might let you get on with things so it might be useful.



You're welcome. I'm glad to be of some assistance (even though it's not a "real" fix).


This seems to still be a problem. I've tried this from window 11 with scribus 1.5.6 and 1.6.1 and the dialog box for get image cannot see into the wsl file system even though it's mounted as a network drive. This is strange because in windows I can open the wsl folder containing a .sla file and double-clicking that file opens in Scribus on windows just fine. It's just trying to select an image to link where the dialog box can't see the drive or folder.

The suggestion above does not work for me, as I cannot type in the folder in to the folder dropdown (like I do in other programs).

Any help would be really appreciated.


Can you post a screen shot of the dialog?
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist


Thanks for responding so quickly.

Actually, I think I just needed to restart scribus after mounting the wsl through the network drive. I wrote that post before trying to restart, my apologies for that. It works now (as you can see in the screengrab). However, that dropdown box that currently is showing "My Computer" can not be typed in. In many other programs a path to a folder can just be pasted in there to go to that folder. However, that doesn't seem to work here. That would really help when there are deeply nested folders and navigating to the right place is arduous. That and/or having the picker open in the folder of the scribus file as a head start to getting to the right place, would be a real help.

Thanks so much for all that you do in Scribus. I'm exploring moving out of inDesign and I'm really enjoying so far. I especially like that I can modify the .sla directly (or through a script).



Prolly the better solution would be dual boot your system and use a linux distro  of your choosing. This would greatly simplify your file navigation issues. Just make sure you only use the home partition on your linux side to write to from linux, as writing to a windows ntfs partition is very iffy via linux.
Using Scribus 1.5.8 & 1.6.2, openSUSE 15.5
Advanced hobbyist