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Where is the CMYK to be found in Scribus 1'4. I will need to set my photos to that.



Wena, the image's colors are determined by the image. 

you can check image colorspace with the EXTRAS>MANAGE IMAGES tool

to change color space, open your image in an image editor to convert the color space from RGB to CMYK.  If possible, you should be designing/scanning in CMYK from the start if you plan to have things printed commercially, because conversion is never as good as starting that way


hi walksin2trees

Quote from: WalksIn2Trees on September 09, 2011, 12:48:49 should be designing/scanning in CMYK from the start if you plan to have things printed commercially, because conversion is never as good as starting that way...

here you are wrong!!!
conversion from rgb to cmyk is not as bad as conversion between different cmyk-spaces – for this reason you should never work in cmyk as long as you don't have the final color profile.



So the correct answer is: Get the color profile from the printer and tell Scribus to use it for export.

Googling "scribus cmyk export" gives this page as first hit:


BUT, BUT where to sat my artwork in CMYK, I just feel as if we are all going round the subject rather than answering my question.



hello wena

first, you have to put the icc-profile indicated by your printer into the folder for color profiles.
scribus will search in ~/.color/icc and /usr/share/color and subdirectories for profiles.
after that you select the profile under 'file' → 'document setup' → 'color management' → 'document profiles' as default for cmyk images and cmyk solid colors. (this is for your ubuntu computer with the 1.5...)



I understood that CMYK is available in v 1.4!!!



yes, it's the same procedure in 1.4, but you told us (in another thread) that your final output should be a pdf/x-1a. if this is still the case, you need the cmyk profile in scribus 1.5.
other pdf versions can be created in 1.4; and if they are in cmyk, you need the profile there too.

sorry for misleading...


Yes, utnik it seems as if none of the tutorials I have read, or even the tutorial book that I have bought tells me how to turn a graphic into a CMYK one in Scribus 1.4.

Have even produced vector graphic in Inkscape for my publication and when I come to start producing a PDF of it i find a error.



hi wena

what's the error message, displayed when you try to export a pdf?



Yes, utnik but it allowed me to produce a PDF, I suspect it is because that the graphics had not been converted into  CMYK, this was in v1.4.

I was running a copy off to ask my friend their opinion on the layout.

That is whey I want to know how to do it.




hi wena

you don't have to convert pictures/graphics into cmyk before you generate the pdf (except for pdf/x-3, with mandatory cmyk images...)

what was the text of the error message?

could you produce the final print pdf?

i think, i told you how to deal with scribus to end up with a cmyk pdf...



Quote from: Wena on September 24, 2011, 12:25:15 PM
Yes, utnik it seems as if none of the tutorials I have read, or even the tutorial book that I have bought tells me how to turn a graphic into a CMYK one in Scribus 1.4.

It's because its neither possible nor necessary.

When you export a PDF "for printer" all content in that PDF will be CMYK.

When you export a PDF "for web/screen" all content in that PDF will be RGB.

It does not matter what colorspace the images have in the SLA, Scribus does the conversion on the fly during PDF export.


Thank you two, utnik I will do it again with the same file to see the error. Am I able and if  necessary  send a screen shot.



A friend solved the Cover Template for me.

Is there a way to determine if my colors are correct after converting to CMYK. I have read that LS have a profile for the black.

That will be O.K. for the content of the book.

But I am working on a cover for a book, it includes a full color photo. I know a little about CMYK and that it's colours are different to those in normal photos.

I wonder if anyone has attempted to use CMYKTOOL, it looks interesting and may help profiling?

So how do I do the changes of color profiling?
