Magazine Spread Experiment - Big Hero 6

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Since I got lots of great feedback from my last "What's wrong with this magazine spread?" post on Google+ I thought I'd try another one and see what happens if I post it here too.

The theme of the magazine can be taken as "Late Teen Cultural" (whatever that means) although, as before, there isn't a real magazine.

There are certain areas I'm not too happy with - such as the "stripe" contents and the reflection - so I'd like to hear your constructive opinions and suggestions.

Individual images were taken from various web resources and manipulated/composed as necessary. All work was done in Scribus and GIMP.

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Really dig this spread. A higher-res image of it would be even better. cancel clear.. it is higher-res here than on the social media pages


Thanks Kunda.

I've just noticed that Google+ has mangled the resolution of the file that I uploaded there (which was the same one in my post here).

Just in case anyone is interested, I've attached a zipped PDF which should look much better. (The fonts have been outlined but the image resolutions have not been equalised.)

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